January 30, 2009

In The Know

I'm very pleased to announce that the Black Mustard mailing list is up and running! For those who'd like to be on the list to receive news about promos, new items and more there is a handy sign up form over in the right sidebar of this blog.

There are actually 2 newsletters available to sign up for. The first will be a monthly general newsletter, which will cover shop updates, promos, upcoming plans, etc. If you'd like to receive this email once a month, make sure the "Monthly Newsletter" box is checked when you sign up.

The second is designed specifically to notify folks who'd like to know when I'll be adding a new handspun yarn to the shop. I've had quite a few requests for this since I tend to list yarns on different days of the week and they do sell fairly quickly. This will be a mini-newsletter that I will send out each time I've got a new yarn finished and ready to list. It is basically an advance notice and it will include pics and stats as well as the day and time it will be listed. If you're interested in getting this update, make sure the "Handspun Preview" box is checked during sign up.

If you have any questions, trouble signing up, etc. feel free to leave a comment here or email me at!

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Anonymous said...

Your hand-spun yarn is gorgeous as is your other work. I use the same mail-list service and I really like them.