October 20, 2008

Dyeing Retreat with Mom

It's been a while since I've posted... there's been a lot going on in the meantime. I spent 5 days last week visiting my mom in Port Hardy at the northernmost tip of Vancouver Island. We stayed in spinning, knitting, and dyeing all week and had a blast! My first few rovings are dried and I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. Here's a merino/kid mohair blend that is super soft. I can't wait to spin it and see how the yarn looks. It ended up with pretty short color repeats, so I think I might try a single rather than a 2 ply, to keep it from getting too busy.

The other roving I did was a brown merino, which I over-dyed with pink, blue, green and orange. I love over-dyed brown fiber, so I'm looking forward to spinning this one as well.

My birthday present was a dye kit and a whole bunch of fiber - I'm so excited to get into dyeing and playing with color. I can already tell that it's going to be addictive.

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